Affirmation Decks & Journals

The divine flows through us at all times, yet we do not always feel connected to this life force energy. Affirmations tune us back into our divinity. 

Kick start each day with a powerful affirmation. Or select an affirmation each week of the year, as the theme for the week. Affirm you divinity and embody your power. 

For far too long my clients, friends, and family have been saying, "I wish I could just put you in my pocket and pull you out when I need your positive fairy energy."

NOW you can with my Divinity Decks. There are 4 Divine Affirmation Decks:
Divine PowerDivine Light, Divine Queen, and Divine Mother. Each Deck has 52 Affirmations. 

Divine Power: Where Profanity & Divinity Collide guides you back to your own divinity to help you walk in your power.

Divine Light: To Help You Shine Your Light (re)ignites your inner light to help you shine bright no matter what life brings your way. Divine Light was designed with youth and families in mind (no cuss words). This deck helps youth shine their light, and for us adults, it helps heal and amplify our inner child. 

Divine Queen: Awaken the Queen Within gives you permission to live fully in your body as your most authentic self, embracing all sides of you. 

Divine Mother: To Get the F*ck Through Motherhood helps you release any mommy guilt and external pressure, so that you show up as the radiant mother that you were born to be. 

For every Divine Power Deck that is purchased, you ensure a family impacted by our justice system is healing as they support their loved one(s). 
4 products